Best tiling window manager 2021
Best tiling window manager 2021

best tiling window manager 2021

Nevertheless, there are many lightweight Desktop Window Managers and i3 is one of them. Well, Linux operating systems are known for their low resource consumption, however, due to the latest highly graphical desktops, many distros now become extensive resource guzzling OS. Here we learn how to install i3 Window manager on Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 LTS to get a slim and lightweight interface on this Linux.

best tiling window manager 2021

This slim window manager also supports window stacks, which it stacks in a tab structure similar to a web browser. It is available under a BSD license, is primarily aimed at professionals and programmers, and has several special features. I3 is a tiling window manager developed from scratch and written in C.

Best tiling window manager 2021